Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Open up your mind and see like me. Open up your plans and dang your free.

My days as a freshman are going GREAT.
Besides all the homework I have,
I'm lovin life.
This might even be my best year.
I also fell in love with blogging.
Blogging is fun.
It makes me feel good about my day.
Recently I found my Ipod.
I've listened to so many old songs.
I miss the good old days.
Back when I didn't wear make-up.
When I didn't care what I wore,
Or even if my hair was done.
I didn't have homework.
I played barbies with Savannah everyday after school.
Played dress ups with my cousins.
When I thought kissing on television was disgusting.
I miss looking forward to school the next day.
I try to embrace my inner child as much as possible.
Because I miss it.
It's weird how much I wanted to grow up,
But now that I'm close to being "grown up"
All I want to do is grow down.
Who wants to take me to Neverland?