Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm just sick on it all.

I'm sick of school.
I'm sick of homework.
I'm sick of mr. Farnsworth.
I'm sick of being sick.
I'm sick of unreal "friends".
I'm sick of people that think it's amusing to lie.
I'm sick of being left out.
I'm sick of feeling angry.
I'm sick of that empty feeling in my heart.
That pit in the bottom of your stomach.
Im sick of feeling bad.
I'm sick of watching him love anyone else but me.
I'm sick of feeling like I don't exist.
I do, exist by the way.
I'm sick of being a teenager.
Just let me grow up already.
I'm sick of crying.
It hurts my eyes.

I need a hug.
Maybe some ice cream.
And Justin Bieber.

I'm sorry for this post. It's not as "uplifting" as I like my posts to be. That's what a blog is for right? I needed to vent out my feelings. I needed someone to talk to.

Signed, Sabrina.